2016年3月27日 星期日

定冠詞及不定冠詞 definite and indefinite articles

定冠詞 "the" 置於單數或複數名詞之前,名詞由母音或子音開頭均可。
The company is trying to expand operations.
The operations now are limited to the U.S.

不定冠詞 "a" 與單數名詞合用,置於以子音或子音發音開頭的字之前。例如,它會置於 "uniform" 之前,因為此處 "u" 的發音為 "y"。
At his previous company, Bob was required to wear a cap and a uniform to work.

不定冠詞 "an" 與單數名詞合用,但是置於以母音發音開頭的字之前。
The assembly line has not had an accident for several months. 

"some" 可與不特定的複數名詞合用。它也能與不可數的不特定名詞合用,如下例所示 "I'd like some water"
Some supervisors and some employees felt that the strike was a bad idea.

The memo that the boss sent us clarified much of the confusion in the office.

We had a meeting to discuss scheduling, but you were out of town that day.

We called the manufacturer for a price quote. They faxed us the quote the same day we requested it.

當 "the" 出現在子音開頭的字之前時,"e" 的發音與 "about" 中的 "a" 相同。(發音:惹)
Pronunciation tip: the memo , the boss, the confusion

當 "the" 出現在母音開頭的字之前時,"e" 的發音與 "me" 中的 "e" 相同。(發音:李)
Pronunciation tip: the office, the other day, the understanding


