2016年3月27日 星期日

Asking for Clarification

Let me make sure I understood you.
Let me see if I understand you correctly. Now is the time to sell?
They are not bringing in their own management team. Am I right? 請留意這一句詞語與其它的不同,因為它置於要確認的事項之後。當您使用 "Am I right?" 時,請記得句尾語調要上揚,以免聽起來不禮貌或唐突。
In the other words, Universal will keep restructuring to a minimum? 這一句詞語和以下的十分類似,後面要加上主詞和動詞。
Are you saying it's a good acquisition for both companies?
So what you're saying is it's a good acquisition for both companies?
So what I hear you saying is that it's a good acquisition for both comanies?


