2016年11月26日 星期六

Reported Speech

間接敘法可用來將某人說的話告訴或轉述給他人。"say" 和 "tell" 經常用於間接敘法的句子中。
一般來說,"say" 和 "tell" 的簡單過去式經常用來引介間接敘法的句子。請注意,"said" 的後面要接 ("that") + S + V,而 "told" 後面則接名詞或代名詞 + ("that") + S + V。在兩種情況中 "that" 這個字都可有可無。
以過去式引介間接敘法時,某些狀態助動詞要作變更。請注意,"could"、"would"、"should" 和 "ought to" 不用變更。
間接敘法中的代名詞也經常會變更。第一人稱代名詞通常會變為第三人稱代名詞。不過,如果說話者是在轉述自己所說的話時,"I" 則不會改變。
Reported speech is used to tell or report to someone what another person said. The words say and tell are often used to introduce reported speech. 

Chuck: I want to grow the company. 
I : Chuck said that he wanted to grow the company.
I : Chuck told me that he wanted to grow the company.
間接敘法可用來將某人說的話告訴或轉述給他人。"say" 和 "tell" 經常用於間接敘法的句子中。
Usually, the simple past forms of the verbs say and tell are used to introduce reported speech. Notice that said is followed by that + S + V
but told is followed by a noun or a pronoun + that + S + V. 
The word that is optional in both cases. 
一般來說,"say" 和 "tell" 的簡單過去式經常用來引介間接敘法的句子。請注意,"said" 的後面要接 ("that") + S + V,而 "told" 後面則接名詞或代名詞 + ("that") + S + V。在兩種情況中 "that" 這個字都可有可無。

Verb Tense Changes
Chuck: I want to grow the company. 
I : Chuck said that he wanted to grow the company. 

Matthew: I am reading the report.
I : Matthew told me that he was reading the report.

A few changes need to be make to the speech you are reporting . When the reported speech is introduced by a verb in the past tense (said, told), verbs in the present tense change to past tense.

Carlo: I finished the presentation early.
I : Carol told me that she had finished the presentation early. 
I : Carol told me that she finished the presentation early. 

Verbs in the simple past can change to the past perfect in reported speedh. However, these verbs often don't change in spoken English. 在間接敘法中,簡單過去式的動詞可以改為過去完成式。不過在英文口語中,動詞形態不用變更。

Modal Changes
Chuck : I can grow the company.
I : Chuck said he could grow the company.

Matthew: I will lead the meeting. 
I : Matthew told me that he would lead the meeting. 

some modals change when the reported speech is introduced in the past tense. Note that could, would, should, and ought to don't change. 以過去式引介間接敘法時,某些狀態助動詞要作變更。請注意,"could"、"would"、"should" 和 "ought to" 不用變更。

Pronoun Changes
Chuck: I want to grow the company. 
I : Chuck said that he wanted to grow the company. 

Pronouns also often change with reported speech. First person pronouns usually change to third person pronouns. However, if the speaker is reporting what he or she said, I doesn't change. 間接敘法中的代名詞也經常會變更。第一人稱代名詞通常會變為第三人稱代名詞。不過,如果說話者是在轉述自己所說的話時,"I" 則不會改變。

You need to make a decision soon. 
Matthew said that I needed to make a decision soon. 

Your report is due tomorrow.
Second person pronouns usually change to first person pronouns if you are reporting what someone said to you or to a group that includes you. 

Sue said that our report was due tomorrow. 


