2016年7月31日 星期日

past progressive

The past progressive is used to say that something was happening at a particular time in the past. However, the past progressive of certain nonaction verbs softens statements, requests, suggestions, and questions, making them less direct and more polite.

"was/were hoping" 能使要求的口吻較為柔和。後面可以加上不定詞 (to V),或是 ("that") + 主詞 (S) + "could/might/would" + 原形動詞 (V)。
Do you know when Mr. Smith will be back in this office?
I was hoping to speak with him today.
I was hoping I could speak with him today.

S + "was/were wondering" 後面加上以"wh-" 疑問詞、"if"、 或 "whether"開首的子句,可用來形成禮貌的問句。
S + "was/were wondering" 後面加上
"if" + S + "could/might/would" + V 可用來形成禮貌的建議或要求。
I was wondering when we could meet?
I was wondering when we could meet later this afternoon?

S + "was/were thinking" + ("that") + S + "should/could/might/would" 或"ought to" + V 可用來形成禮貌的建議。
I was thinking we could meet when I am in London next week. 
I was thinking first thing in the morning would be a good time to meet. 

were wondering

解釋:上述答案是正確的,因為後面可接 if、主詞、would 和動詞來形成禮貌的請求。were 與主詞 Mike and I 配合使用。

was hoping
解釋:上述答案是正確的,因為它能與不定詞配合使用。was 與主詞 I 配合使用。

was hoping
was wondering if
was thinking
解釋:上述答案是正確的,因為後面可接主詞、could 和動詞來形成禮貌的請求或建議。was 與主詞 I 配合使用。


