2016年6月26日 星期日

Offering Assistance

Q: I need someone to help me set up the meeting.
A: I'll see what I can arrange.
A: I'll see if I can.
這些表達方式用來提供協助。 一般而言,相較於完整的 "I will",縮寫的"I’ll"較常用於說話時。

Q: I need to find out more information about this company.
A: Why don't I call the CEO for you?
A: I'd be happy to call the CEO for you.
「Why don't I」用於表示您想協助他人的意願。 其形態如同問句,但其實是在陳述。 “I’d be happy to” 也可用於表示您想幫助他人的意願。


Use these expressions to offer assistance or show willingness to assist someone.
I'll see what I can (do).
I'll see if I can (contact the customer service department).
Why don't I (call a doctor)?
I'd be happy to (make a reservation for you).


