2016年1月8日 星期五

Modal verbs 助動詞

must/have to:

◎ can : expresses ability or permission

can 可以用來表達「能力或許可」,例如:

I can play tennis.(我會打網球。)

Can I go with you?(我可以和你去嗎?)

◎ may, could : Use them for permission

may 和 could 可以用來表達「許可」。例如:

May I come in?(我可以進來嗎?)

Could I go with you?(我可以和你去嗎?)

◎ may, could : also used for possibility

除了表達「許可」,may 和 could 也能用來表達「可能性」,例如:

It may rain.(可能會下雨。)

◎ might : for remote possibility

might 也可以用來表達「可能性」,用 might 表示「極小可能性」,比用 may 的可能性還要再小,例如:

It might also snow.(也有可能下雪。)

◎ must, have to : use for obligation

must 和 have to 則是用來表達「責任」,例如:

I must catch my train.(我必須趕上火車。)

I have to catch my train.(我得趕上火車。)

◎ should : for giving advice and recommendation

如果要「提供意見或建議」,就可以用 should,例如:

You should drink more water.(你應該多喝水。)

You should try the new Chinese restaurant.(你應該試試新的那家中式餐廳。)

◎ will : for the furture

will 能用來表達「未來式」,例如:

I will see you tomorrow.(我們明天見。)

◎ shall : marking suggestions and offering help

shall 是用以「提出建議、提供協助」的助動詞,例如:

Shall we have a drink?(我們要不要喝一杯?)

Shall I carry your bag?(我幫你提袋子好嗎?)


