朝九晚五上班族: nine-to-five worker
打卡進公司: clock in;打卡下班: clock out
彈性工時員工: 將clock字尾再加上less,就有了clockless worker一詞
As a graphic designer, I can work anywhere and anytime with my laptop. It’s fruitless to trap me in the office when I’m running out of creativity.(身為一個平面設計師,我隨時隨地都可用我的筆電工作。若在我創意枯竭之時硬要把我留在辦公室,也只是反效果。)
However, the downside of being a clockless worker is missing the bustle of my office. I’m usually out of sync with my coworkers because of my odd hours.(然而,彈性工時也有缺點,我想念辦公室裡和大家一起的忙碌氣氛。因為我的特殊工作時間,我常常都和同事進公司的時段錯開。)
office politics「辦公室政治」
週末加班的員工:weekend-extender例句中的用法:Day-extenders might have to spend one to two hours working at home in the evenings. Sometimes, they may even become weekend-extenders!(回家後再繼續工作的人下班後,可能是每天晚上得撥出一到兩小時來工作。甚至還有可能連週末都在家裡加班!)
資料來源: http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/5776343