2020年12月21日 星期一

Extract CCST and integrate current to Voltage with new formula


$i=1; $write_out = 0;
$curly_brackets=0; $write next=0; $start=0; 

open(TEMCCST, ">temp_ccst.txt") || die "Can not open the file : temp.txt \n";
open(SearchFile, "<$FILE_NAME"); 

    chop $_;
    if (/voltage/) {
        if (/nom_voltage /) {
            print "Rail Voltage is $rall_voltage\n";
            print "95% of Rail Voltage is ".$rall_voltage*0.95."\n";
    if (/cell \(/) {$start = 1;}
    if($start == "1") {
        if (/output_current/) {$write_out =1;}
    if($write_next == "1") {
        s/"//g: s/\\//g;
        print TEMCCST "$_\n"; $write next=0;}
    if ($write_out == "1") {
        if (/\{/) {$curly_brackets++;}
        if (/\}/) {$curly_brackets--;}
        if (/index_3/) {
            s/index_3 \("//g;
            print TEMCCST "$_\n";}
        if (/reference_time/) {
            s/ref erence_time//g;
            print TEMCCST "$_\n";}
        if (/index_1/) {
            s/index_1 \("//g;
            print TEMCCST "$_\n";}
        if (/index_2/) {
            s/index_2 \("//g;
            print TEMCCST "$_\n";}
        if (/values/) {$write_next = 1;}
        if ($curly_brackets== "0") {$write_out = 0;}

use List::Util qw/max min/;
$t=0; $rename=0; $starting_v=0;
open(CCST, "<temp_ccst.txt") || die "Can not open the file : temp_ccst.txt \n";
open(TEMFILE, ">gnuplot_ccst.txt") || die "Can not open the file : gnuplot_ccst.txt \n"; 
open(VOLTAGE, "gnuplot_voltage.txt") || die "Can not open the file : gnuplot_voltage.txt \n"; while(<CCST>){
    chop $_;
    $_ =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g ;          ## remove space
if ($i=="1") {$ref_time=$_;} ## reference_time
if (Si=="2") {$slew=$_;}       ## slew
if (Si=="3") {$load=$_;}       ## load
if (Si=="4") {                          ## time steps
    $max_index_3 = max @aryl;
    $min_index_3 = min @aryl;
    push (@accumulated_max_index_3, $max_index_3);
    push (@accumulated_min_index_3, $min_index_3);
    #print "The index_3 size is " ; print scalar @aryl; print "\n";
    #print "The max number of index_3 is $max_index_3 , The min is $min_index_3 \n";
if ($i=="5")                             ## current steps
    $max_value = max @ary2;
    $min_value = min @ary2;
    push (@accumulated_max_value, $max_value);
    push (@accumulated_min_value, $min_value);
    #print "The value size is " ; print scalar @ary2; print "\n";
    #print "The max number of value is $max_value , The min is $min_value \n";
if($i > 5) { 
    $array_size = $#aryl+1;
    for ($j=0; $j<$array_size; $j++) {
        print TEMFILE "$aryl[$j] ";
        print TEMFILE "$ary2[$j]\n";
    for ($j=0; $j<$array_size; $j++) {
        print VOLTAGE "$aryl[$j] ";
            if ($j == "0") {$voltage=$starting_v;}
            if ($j > 0) { 
                print VOLTAGE "$voltage\n";
            $i=1; $rename=1;

## To check if final voltage reached 95% of VDD
    #print "Rail voltage: Srail_voltage Final voltage: $voltage 95% of Rail voltage:
    if (abs($voltage) < ($rail_voltage*0.95)) {print "last voltage point $voltage doesn't reach 95% of VDD at CCST#$t\n";}
if ($rename=="1") {
    close(TEMFILE); close(VOLTAGE);
    #print "CCST/VOLTAGE file number is $t \n";
    open(TEMFILE, ">gnuplot_ccst.txt") || die "Can not open the file : gnuplot_ccst.txt \n";
    open(VOLTAGE, ">gnuplot_voltage.txt") || die "Can not open the file : gnuplot_voltage.txt \n";
$accumulated_max_index_3 = max @accumulated_max_index_3;
$accumulated_min_index_3 = min @accumulated_min_index_3;
$accumulated_max_value = max @accumulated_max_value;
$accumulated min value = min @accumulated min value;

print "\n";
print "#######################\n";
print "print out max/min index_3/value \n";
print "#######################\n";
print "The whole max/min index_3 are $accumulated_max_index_3/$accumulated_min_index_3 \n"; print "The whole max/min value are $accumulated_max_value/$accumulated_min_value \n"; 
my $max = max @array;
my $min = min @array;
## Print out size of index_3 and value of CCST
##$array_size = $#aryl+1;
##print "$array_size \n";
##print scalar @aryl;
##print scalar @ary2; 
