2017年1月31日 星期二

Introducing Points of discussion 表達詞語介紹

Introducing visual information:
"let's take a look at" 可用來將注意力吸引到一些視覺資訊上,例如圖表、註記、報告或圖形上。
Let's take a look at the figures.
Let's take a look at the report.
Let's take a look at what we've created so far.

Introducing an idea or topic:
"let's consider" 可用來引入或將注意力吸引至某個想法或主題上。它代表 "let's think carefully about ..."(讓我們仔細想想...)之意。
Let's consider the issues.
Let's consider what he's saying.
Let's consider John for a promotion.

Introducing something to be reviewed:
"let's go over" 可用來引介特定的事物以供審閱。
Let's go over the specifics of the contract.
Let's go over our three main options.
Let's go over the agenda.
Let's go over what we decided at the last meeting.

Introducing something to be analyzed:
Let's analyze the profit report.
Let's analyze the direct marketing results.
Let's analyze how our product is selling.
Let's evaluate our progress so far.
Let's evaluate the success of our development team.

"let's figure out" 表示 "let's think about something until we find a solution or understand it."(讓我們想想,直到找出解決方案或瞭解為止)之意。
"figure out" 為可分隔的片語動詞,後面可接名詞片語或疑問詞子句。
Let's figure out our expenses for the business trip tomorrow.
Let's figure that out soon.

Reminding the listener of an idea:
後面可接名詞片語或 ("that") + S + V(或疑問詞子句)。
Let's not forget the reason we're here.
Let's not forget that she's the best designer.
Let's not overlook the possibility of hiring a contractor.
Let's not overlook all the support they've shown us.

"let's take a look at" 可用來將注意力吸引到一些視覺資訊上,例如圖表、註記、報告或圖形上。
"let's consider" 可用來引入或將注意力吸引至某個想法或主題上。它代表 "let's think carefully about ..."(讓我們仔細想想...)之意。
"let's go over" 可用來引介特定的事物以供審閱。
"let's figure out" 表示 "let's think about something until we find a solution or understand it."(讓我們想想,直到找出解決方案或瞭解為止)之意。
"figure out" 為可分隔的片語動詞,後面可接名詞片語或疑問詞子句。
後面可接名詞片語或 ("that") + S + V(或疑問詞子句)。

2017年1月28日 星期六


"stumbling block"(名詞片語)是指一個會阻撓後續進程或目標的問題。
Let's figure out what stumbling blocks we might run into.
Resistance from management might be a stumbling block to an agreement.

"rest assured"(動詞片語)是用來告訴某人某件事是真實的,且不需要煩惱。"rest assured" 後面要加上 ("that") + S + V。"that" 則可有可無。
There is no fog at Heathrow Airport, so we can rest assured that we will land in London on time.
You can rest assured that we want to acquire companies that we can grow.

"track record"(名詞片語)是指某個人或某件事成功或失敗的表現記錄。
We only seek out companies that have an impressive track record.
I'm not sure we should use that airline since it has a pretty bad track record. 

"put in writing"(動詞片語)表示將某事正式列入文件中。"put in writing" 要與受詞合用,受詞通常置於 "put" 和 "in writing" 之間。
I'm not sure that we can put any guarantees in writing. 
The offer isn't official until they put it in writing.


Let's ask the secretary where we should go.
The manager told us what to do.
I wish I knew why she left the company.

His story was interesting. --> What he said was interesting.
I don't know the teacher. --> I don't know who she is.

What he said was interesting. 當主詞
I don't know who she is.  當受詞

Words used to begin question-word clauses : when, where, why, how, who, what

疑問詞 + 主詞 + 動詞。
We discussed how the meeting went.
how the meeting went
                  S          V

I don't know who the manager is.
who the manager is
                  S         V

使用疑問詞來形成問句時,助動詞 "do"、"does" 和 "did" 通常直接置於疑問詞後面。
使用疑問詞來形成問句 : What did they announce at the meeting?
用疑問詞來形成疑問詞子句 : What they announced at the meeting surprised everyone.

使用疑問詞來形成問句 : Why do they change the policy every year?
用疑問詞來形成疑問詞子句 : Nobody knows why they change the policy every year.

Question-word clauses with what or who
"what" 或 "who" 可用來作為疑問詞子句的主詞。
當 "what" 或 "who" 作為疑問詞子句的主詞時,會使用下列的句型:
"what/who" + V。
I want to know what happened.
                            S         V
I don't know who is in the office.
                        S    V

1Devon: How long has Mark worked in this industry?
Devon wants to know how long Mark has worked in this industry

解釋:上述答案是正確的。疑問詞子句是動詞 know 的受詞。在疑問詞子句中,主詞要置於動詞之前。

2Devon: When did Mark first come to Japan?
Devon wants to know 
when Mark first came to Japan
解釋:上述答案是正確的。疑問詞子句是動詞 know 的受詞。在疑問詞子句中,主詞要置於動詞之前。
去掉助動詞 動詞時態要改變

3Devon: Why is Mark interested in this position?
Devon wants to know 
why Mark is interested in this position
解釋:上述答案是正確的。疑問詞子句是動詞 know 的受詞。在疑問詞子句中,主詞要置於動詞之前。

4Devon: What are Mark's salary requirements?
Devon wants to know what Mark's salary requirements are解釋:上述答案是正確的。疑問詞子句是動詞 know 的受詞。在疑問詞子句中,主詞要置於動詞之前。

5Devon: Who told Mark about the position?
Devon wants to know who told Mark about the position解釋:上述答案是正確的。疑問詞子句是動詞 know 的受詞。在疑問詞子句中,主詞要置於動詞之前。

6Devon: Where did Mark work in Germany?
Devon wants to know where Mark worked in Germany解釋:上述答案是正確的。疑問詞子句是動詞 know 的受詞。在疑問詞子句中,主詞要置於動詞之前。
去掉助動詞 動詞時態要改變
