2016年8月31日 星期三

Conditional sentences: Unreal (present/future)

不實條件句(反白標明者)的 "if" 子句描述了一個不實際或虛假的狀況。在這個情況下,說話者不知道電話號碼為何。這可由句中的 "if" 和動詞的過去式得知。
結果子句(反白標明者)陳述一旦 "if" 子句的情況為真時,將會發生的事情。不過,因為 "if" 子句是描述不實際的情形,所以不會發生。
整個句子的意思是說話者想要打電話確認訂單,但是因為不知道電話號碼,所以無法這樣做。請注意,當 "if" 子句置於句首時,後面要加上逗號。
請留意這些有關現在及未來不實情況的條件句之句型。在 "if" 子句中,會使用過去式的動詞。在結果子句中,動詞之前通常會加上 "would"。
若使用 "be" 動詞,請用 "were" 的形態,即使主詞為 "I"、"he"、"she" 或 "it" 時亦然。不過,在比較不正式的情況下,也可以使用 "was"
否定句的句型為將 "didn't" 置於 "if" 子句內的動詞前面,或將 "not" 置於結果子句內的 "would" 後面。
"If" 子句通常位於句子的第一個部份,不過也可以置於句尾。當 "if" 子句出現在結果子句的後面時,請將逗號刪除。句意不會有所改變。

If I knew the phone number, I would call to check on the order.
結果子句(反白標明者)陳述一旦 "if" 子句的情況為真時,將會發生的事情。不過,因為 "if" 子句是描述不實際的情形,所以不會發生。
整個句子的意思是說話者想要打電話確認訂單,但是因為不知道電話號碼,所以無法這樣做。請注意,當 "if" 子句置於句首時,後面要加上逗號。

If clause                 result
--------------             --------------
past form               would+base
If I knew.......,         I would call..........
請留意這些有關現在及未來不實情況的條件句之句型。在 "if" 子句中,會使用過去式的動詞。在結果子句中,動詞之前通常會加上 "would"。

If I were you, I would stay home.
If I were Mike, I would sell the company.
If she was having personal problems, she would tell me about them.
若使用 "be" 動詞,請用 "were" 的形態,即使主詞為 "I"、"he"、"she" 或 "it" 時亦然。不過,在比較不正式的情況下,也可以使用 "was"

If he left this company, he wouldn't have any difficulty finding a new job.
If she didn't have so much to do, she would be less stressed.
否定句的句型為將 "didn't" 置於 "if" 子句內的動詞前面,或將 "not" 置於結果子句內的 "would" 後面。

If he left this company, he wouldn't have any difficulty finding a new job. ->
He wouldn't have any difficulty finding a new job if he left this company.
"If" 子句通常位於句子的第一個部份,不過也可以置於句尾。當 "if" 子句出現在結果子句的後面時,請將逗號刪除。句意不會有所改變。


In an unreal conditional sentence, the if clause describes a situation that is not real or not true. The result clause states what would happen if the unreal situation were true.


If I knew the phone number,
--I would call to check on the order.
(I don't know the number,
--so I can't call to check on the order.)

"If" Clause
If  S  V (past tense)
If I knew the phone number,
Result Clause
 would  V (base form)
I would call to check on the order.

With "be"If  S  were would  V (base form)
If I were you, I would stay home today.

With "be" (less formal)If  S  was would  V (base form)
If she was having personal problems, she would tell me.

Negative SentencesIf  S  didn't  V (past tense) would  V (base form)
If she didn't have so much to do, she would feel less stress.
ORIf  S  V (past tense) wouldn't  V (base form)
If he left the company, he wouldn't have any difficulty finding a new job.

The order of the clauses doesn't matter.

If he left the company, he wouldn't have any difficulty finding a new job.

He wouldn't have any difficulty finding a new job if he left the company.

2016年8月8日 星期一


1. find and delete data in some directory
find . -name models\* | xargs \rm -rf
